
CEO Mentor

A mentoring program provides an effective networking model for Greene-Calhoun CEO students. Establishing effective one on one connections, that will strengthen the student's awareness of employment opportunities in our County and develop greater social skills through this mentorship experience. Every Greene-Calhoun CEO student, known as a student, is matched with a mentor from the business community. Ultimately, these relationships strengthen the CEO program's success and builds generational bridges between the student and the business community.

Here are the following responsibilities and activities:

  • Meet with the student for scheduled meetings to discuss what they are learning in CEO
  • Attend Monthly Mentor Mornings
  • Review the student's business plan for their individual business
  • Experience the weekly progress of their Protege through reading their journal entries of what they experience each day in CEO

Would you like to be a Mentor?

A mentor is a business owner, entrepreneur, or intreprenuer from our areas business community. A mentor is someone willing to share his or her time and expertise with a CEO student. Please contact us, if you are interested in being a CEO mentor. You will be provided mentor training and be required to have a background check to enroll in the program. Successful mentoring partnerships are advantageous for everyone – the student, the mentor and the CEO program.

Our Mentors

Beth Bettis
Principal, Greenfield High School

Kevin Brannan
Ag Educator

Jenn Brickey

Dental Assistant

Kathy Brown

Physical Therapy Assistant

David Cherry
Resident Circuit Judge

Bethany Doolin
Scott County Courthouse

Sarah Flowers
All About You Beauty Bar & Boutique

Nick Flowers
Stone Seed
Field Sales Rep

Khara Koffel
Serious Lip Balm

Randy Long
Illinois Electric Cooperative

Kelsey Nell
Out the Door Travel

Lauren Nettles
Scheffel & Boyle

Gordon Rahe
CNB Bank

Callie Reichert
Art Education

Shawn Rennecker
Illinois Electric Cooperative

Debbie Rhoades
Cornerstone Baptist Church

Julie Rhoads

Jim Rogers

Airplane Mechanic

Eric Rollins
State of Illinois - Department of Natural Resources
Conservation Officer

Andrea Schnelten
Rockbridge Manufacturing

Andy Sellars
Sellars Farms

Genny Six
Market Six - Pumpkin Patch

Becca Ward